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Award 11: March Against Plastic


We are thrilled to share the details of our 11th grantee Arts Education Exchange and Northdown Primary School.

"A chorus chant begins one small voice at a time and soon grows into an immense surge of protest."

40 year 5 pupils have spent 12 weeks researching, discussing, writing letters to corporations and making art about the impact of plastic and sea pollution. But they decided it wasn't enough ... and they took to the streets.

ARTCRY has supported this group of young change-makers and the staff at Northdown Primary and Arts Education Exchange to organise a march from the school to Botany Bay pumping station aimed at raising awareness of the climate emergency through the eyes of children in the Margate community.

The young Artivists designed banners, constructed sea creatures from recycled plastics and marched along their local beach to a water pumping station, where sewage was dumped by Southern Water. The march was captured by local filmmaker, Nathan Ryan-Jones and screens at Turner Contemporary, Margate on 2nd December.

Arts Education Exchange are passionate about creative learning and social justice. They work with children and young people in Thanet to cultivate an alternative space for community education through the arts. Every year participants engage in long term projects with Creative Tutors, lead personalised projects and amplify their voices through the arts.

We'll share the film and more updates with our followers - keep an eye on our socials @artcry20 @artcry1 to stay up to date!

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